Monday, February 20, 2012

Demon Wall!

Inspired from the classic Final Fantasy IV boss battle, this scene depicts the 5 FF IV heroes Edge, Rosa, Cecil, Rydia and Kain(left to right) as they encounter the "Demon Wall"! Original art done in acrylics, with a bit of digital painting after I got it on the computer.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Grune the Destroyer!!!

New personal piece of Grune(with Jaga) from the Thundercats! I'm thinking of doing a series of either villains or just Thundercats villains. Some good possibilites either way, but should be fun!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New artstuff!!!

Some new fantasy characters created for an Austrian RPG called Destiny Dungeon. Below that are a series of designs I did for a startup toy company called Bleacher Creatures! They make plush dolls and puppets of sports stars, available now in stores and ballparks! Sample images of the actual dolls are below the graphics I did. The artwork was all done in Adobe Illustrator, I did the facial caricatures as well as placing team logos and graphics in the uniforms. The dolls were made in China (of course), so I didn't have any part in that.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

More monkey business!

New monkey painting, done as a follow-up piece to my "Sir Caffey and Capuchino" piece. This time I went with a type of Marmoset and a female rider. Sir Caffey and Capuchino(below) now have a buddy(or enemy?) in my portfolio!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Goblins playing poker!

That's right, that's the subject of one of my new pieces for a fantasy rpg book I'm working on. It's done in pencil, as is the "Dwarf Cavern" piece after it. This piece also has some digital colors done to it. Below that is a cover piece titled "Daughters of the Lost World", done for a young adult fantasy novel. Then there's my piece for the Autumn Society's TMNT show(thanks, guys!), "METALHEAD"! More monkey business coming soon!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Fantasy Works!

Here are some more pieces done for an Austrian game publisher. The one is an cover piece called "Temple of the Spidergod", the original was done in acrylic(old school) with some digital painting after I scanned it(new school). The other is a map illustration called "Lys Marrah", done in pencil and digital. More stuff to come soon, waiting on some NDA's!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Felt like randomly updating my blog with some portrait work I've done over the years! Some are painted and the grayscale ones are pencils. Perfect gifts for friends and family!